LTspice tutorial | The Complete Course
LTspice tutorial | The Complete Course
This Tutorial will explain how to use LTspice, the free circuit simulation package from Linear Technology Corporation (LTC). LTspice is node unlimited, incredibly easy to learn and can be used to simulate most of the analogue components from Linear Technology as well as discrete and passive components. It is exceptionally good at simulating switched mode power supplies. Models from other manufacturers can also be imported.
- Part 1 — How to enter/edit schematics, open up pre-designed ‘jig’ files, configure voltage sources, run the simulation, probe currents and voltages
- Part 2 — How to perform ac analysis on filters, zooming in on waveforms, piecewise linear waveforms
- Part 3 — Simulating dc/dc converters, measuring instantaneous and average power, efficiency reports, switching in a load, adding parasitic elements, simulating transformers and coupled inductors, behavioral (behavioural) voltage sources
- Part 4 — Importing third party SPICE models as .SUBCKT files and .MODEL files
- Part 5 — Keyboard Shortcuts, Tricks with Piecewise Linear (PWL) sources, Waveform Mathematics, Running multiple simulations with varying component values
- Part 6 — Creating your own MOSFET models