Git flow meta page

Posted on December 26, 2016. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , |

A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen [nvie]

In this post I present the development model that I’ve introduced for some of my projects (both at work and private) about a year ago, and which has turned out to be very successful. I’ve been meaning to write about it for a while now, but I’ve never really found the time to do so thoroughly, until now. I won’t talk about any of the projects’ details, merely about the branching strategy and release management.

A Brief Guide to Git Flow

The idea is that you have a master branch that has nothing more than the latest stable release (which is the latest tag) and a develop branch that has all of the latest features and code that are yet to be released. You then have feature, release and hotfix branches that are used for various purposes.

Using git-flow to automate your git branching workflow

Vincent Driessen’s branching model is a git branching and release management strategy that helps developers keep track of features, hotfixes and releases in bigger software projects. This workflow has lot of commands to type and remember, though, so there’s also the git-flow library of git subcommands that helps automate some parts of the flow to make working with it a lot easier.

See Also

git-flow – Git extensions to provide repository operations for nvie’s branching model

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